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Завдання для домашнього опрацювання (Очно-заочная форма обучения) Англійска мова – І курс

Англійска мова – І курс


Lesson 1

  1. Read the press release and speak on the items.



My biography in brief:________________________

My physical description: ______________________

My personality and lifestyle: ___________________

My successes to date: _________________________

What I am likely to achieve in the coming years: _____________


  1. Vocabulary
  2. to affect- впливати
  3. affectionate- люблячий, ніжний, пристрасний
  4. aggressive- агресивний
  5. ambitious- честолюбивий; що прагне чогось
  6. bossy- що розпоряджається (верховодить) усім
  7. competitive- конкурентний, конкурсний
  8. envious- заздрісний
  9. imaginative-наділений багатою уявою
  10. jealous- ревнивий, заздрісний
  11. moody- похмурий, що легко піддається змінам настрою
  12. responsible- відповідальний
  13. selfish- егоїстичний
  14. sociable- дружелюбний, товариський
  15. spoilt- розбещений, зіпсований
  16. sensitive-  чутливий, уразливий


  1. Read the article “What affects our personality?”quickly.


  1. Post- reading tasks
  2. Which paragraph (1-5) mentions:
  3. about the youngest children? …………
  4. about the children who have to look after their younger brothers and sisters? ……..
  5. about Tom Hughes? ……
  6. about the only children?.....
  7. about the most competitive children?.....


  1. Find the words in the article that have the opposite meaning.
  2. well-bred
  3. unselfish
  4. simple
  5. hard-working
  6. rude
  7. calm


  1. Complete the chart below with five personality adjectives from the text in each column.

oldest children

middle children

youngest children

only children







Lesson 2

  1. Match the personality adjectives with their definitions. Use a dictionary.
  1. generous
  2. reliable
  3. talkative
  4. sensitive
  5. patient
  6. mean
  7. honest
  8. envious
  1. never lying
  2. wanting something that someone else has
  3. willing to give money, spend time etc., in order to give others pleasure
  4. unkind or unwilling to share
  5. able to wait calmly for a long time or to accept difficulties without becoming angry
  6. capable of being trusted or depended on
  7. easily hurt or offended by things that people say or able to feel physical sensations more than usual
  8. liking to talk a lot


  1. Vocabulary

   The common ways of making the opposites of adjectives are to add prefixes: “-un”, “-in”, “dis-“, “im-“, “ir-“.


Make opposites using the prefixes with the adjectives in the box. Put them in the correct column of the table below.

Ambitious, friendly, honest, imaginative, kind, organised, patient, reliable, tidy, responsible, selfish, sensitive, sociable




In-/ im- / ir-





  1. Organise the words into pairs of opposites and put them in the columns below.

mean, clever, lazy, relaxed, hard-working, cheerful, honest, stupid, unpleasant, generous, reliable, untidy, self-confident, moody,  organised, bossy, ambitious, imaginative,  spoilt, energetic, envious







  1. Choose 5 or 6 words which best describe you or your friend’s character. Explain your choice.

Example:  Sociable- I’m sociable because I love being with other people.


  1. Read and think, then complete the sentence below.
  2. Have you already thought about your perfect partner?
  3. If not, when do you think you will meet him / her?
  4. Which three words are the most important in your perfect partner?


Rich, kind, warm, open, fit, happy, friendly, independent, energetic, intelligent, hard-working, handsome


The most important things about my future partner are ______________________________



Lesson 3

  1. Grammar point


  • We use the phrase used to +Infinitive when we talk about things which were true in the past but aren’t true now.

Example: I used to learn French but now I learn English.

               Italy used to have a king.

  • We can also make comparisons with the phrase used to. Apart from used to, all the verbs are in the Present Tense.

Example: Now I line in Kyiv: I used to live in Lviv.

                She used to do aerobics, but now she does not exercise at all.

  • When we are not comparing, but saying how things were in the past, we use the Past Tense.

Example: When I lived on a farm, I used to ride my horse every day.

                 He used to have quite a temper when he was a child.

  • +      I / You / He /She /It / We / You / They used to play the piano.
  •   I / You / He /She /It / We / You / They didn’t use to play the piano.

?      Did I / You / He /She /It / We / You / They use to play the piano?



  1. Complete the sentences. Use the affirmative or negative form of “used to” and the verbs in brackets.

Example: Bob … (work) in a factory, but he doesn’t now.

                 Bob used to work in a factory, but he doesn’t now.

  1. Mary … (go) to my school, but now she doesn’t.
  2. Andrew … (be) very tall, but now he is.
  3. Chris … (drink) coffee, but now he does.
  4. We … (play) football at the weekend, but now we don’t.
  5. There … (be) a market every Friday, but now there isn’t.
  6. They … (wear) uniform to school, but now they do.


  1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of “used to” and the verb in brackets.
  2. We didn’t used to like (not / like) each other, but now we’re good friends.
  3. My sister … (not / play) the piano, but now she doesn’t.
  4. They … (spend) their weekends in the countryside. They don’t any more.
  5. I … (not / watch) the news, but now I watch it every day.
  6. I … (not / eat) vegetables. Now I eat them every day.
  7. My sister … (drink) a lot of coffee, but now she prefers to drink tea.
  8. … (you / go) to school on foot?
  9. We … (live) in a flat, but we live in a big house now.


  1. Complete the sentences with the affirmative, negative or interrogative form of “used to” and the verbs in the box.

be, do, like, live, speak, work

  1.  My sister … this town, but she hates it now.
  2. Where … she …, before she lived in London?
  3. She … any exercise, but now she goes running every day.
  4. She … any Italian, but now she’s almost fluent.
  5. My mum … in a bank, but she’s unemployed now.
  6. … she … a waitress before she became an actress?



  1. Write sentences comparing Gary at 17 and Gary at 41 using “used to”.

Example: Gary used to have a motorbike, but now he has a car.

  1. He … thin, but now he … quite fat. (be)
  2. He … glasses, but now he doesn’t. (wear)
  3. He … a suit, but now he does. (not wear)
  4. He … long hair, but now he … short hair. (have)
  5. He … his friends every day, but now he … them at the weekend. (see)
  6. He … a laptop, but now he does. (not carry)
  7. He … to school, but now he … to work! (go)


Lesson 4

  1. Read the dialogue and guess the meanings of the words in the bold.

A: How long have you known each other?

B: For about 10 years.

A: Why do you think you get on so well?

B: Because we have very similar personalities.

A: What do you have in common?

B: A lot of things, for example, we both love playing tennis.

A: Do you ever argue?

B: Not much. We usually agree about most things.

A: How do you keep in touch?

B: Usually by email and we phone each other occasionally.

A: Do you think you will always stay friends?

B: Yes, I’m sure we will. I certainly hope so.


  1. Vocabulary
  2. a goal – мета
  3. to argue –  сперечатися
  4. to succeed – досягати мети
  5. to get on well – ладити з кимось добре
  6. to have (a lot) in common –  мати щось (багато) спільного
  7.  to get / keep in touch – підтримувати стосунки
  8. to loose touch – втратити контакт (зв'язок)
  9. to stay friends-  залишатися друзями


  1. Match the words or phrases with their definitions.
  1. to succeed
  2. to lose touch
  3. a goal
  4. to argue
  5. to stay friends
  6. to get on well
  7. to keep in touch
  8. to have in common
  1. to disagree with someone in words
  2. something that you hope to achieve in the future
  3. to have a friendly relationship with each other
  4. to have the same interests, attitudes as someone else
  5. to have a good result, to do what you have tried
  6. to speak or write to someone when you can no longer see them as often as you used to
  7. to continue being friends
  8. to no longer  speak or write to someone because they do not live near you, work with you


  1. Listen again and answer the questions.
  2. When did she and Rose stop seeing each other?
  3. When did they lose touch?
  4. Why didn’t she like the French teacher?
  5. What happened as a result?
  6. Why did she stop playing squash?
  7. Why does she prefer tennis?



Lesson 5

  1. Read and compare the opinions about Peter. Work in groups. Think and explain why Peter makes such different impressions on people.



  1. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences and questions.
  2. used / lazy / He / be / very / to
  3. you / motorbike / to / Did / have / use / a ?
  4. didn’t / be / She / to / so / bad-tempered / use
  5. live / village / use / didn’t / in / a  / They / to
  6. to / a / There / in / used / church / that / be / street
  7. school / she /   /to / Did / go / to / use / different ?


  1. Rewrite the sentences that are incorrect
  2. I use to live in the country, but now I don’t.
  3. Did you used to wear glasses?
  4. They didn’t used to do any homework.
  5. He uses to have a motorbike.
  6. We used to play in the park when we were little.
  7. She used cried a lot when she was a baby.


  1. Read the characteristics of different signs of zodiac.
  2. Aquarius (20 January – 18 February) People born under the sign of Aquarius are very loyal, but they can be a little insensitive at times.
  3. Pisces (19 February – 20 March) People with the sign of Pisces can be very romantic? And are always sympathetic if you have a problem. But they can also be extremely pessimistic.
  4. Aries (21 March – 19 April) People born under the sign of Aries are extremely energetic and adventurous. But they can also be aggressive.
  5. Taurus (20 April – 20 May) People with the sign of Taurus are always calm and patient, but also very materialistic.
  6. Gemini (21 May – 20 June) People born under the sign of Gemini are witty, but they tend to be a little impatient.
  7. Cancer (21 June – 22 July) People with the sign of Cancer are very kind and helpful. But they can sometimes be very moody.
  8. Leo (23 July – 22 August) People born under the sign of Leo are very sociable, but can often be vain as well.
  9. Virgo (23 August – 22 September) People born under the sign of Virgo tend to be hard-working, but also a little fussy and very critical.
  10. Libra (23 September -22 October) People born under the sign of Libra are usually artistic. But they also tend to be indecisive.
  11. Scorpio (23 October -21 November) People born under the sign of Scorpio are often passionate, but sometimes a little cruel.
  12. Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December) People born under the sign of Sagittarius are always cheerful and optimistic, but they often tend to be reckless.
  13. Capricorn (22 December – 19 January) People with the sign of Capricorn are sensible and organised, but are sometimes conceited.


  1. Write out the adjectives from the text about zodiacs according to the columns.









Lesson 6


  1. Match each characteristic with its description as in the example.

Example: A well-educated person has a good education.


Brave, caring, cheerful, creative, energetic, enthusiastic, fair, fit, patient, hard-working, organised, sociable, strong


  1. … is always lively and doesn’t tire easily.
  2. … is original, artistic and imaginative.
  3. … has well-developed muscles and can do hard physical work.
  4. … is calm and does not get annoyed or frustrated.
  5. … is helpful and sympathetic to other people.
  6. … is not afraid of frightening or dangerous situations.
  7. … is friendly and enjoys being with other people.
  8. … treats everyone equally and is not influenced by personal feelings.
  9. … is efficient and good at making and carrying out plans.
  10. … is healthy  and in good physical condition.
  11. … is interested in and excited about something.
  12. … is not at all lazy.
  13. … is always happy and optimistic.


  1. Read the text and complete it with the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.


Speed dating

     Modern life is becoming ___ (fast) and ___ (busy), but at the same time, people are becoming ___ (isolated). These days, people in their twenties and thirties are finding it ___ (difficult) to socialize and meet potential partners because they work harder and have ___ (small) social circles. They can go to bars and clubs, but for many, speed dating is a ___ (good) option because it allows them to meet a lot of people more quickly, and in a less stressful environment. This is how it works: an equal number of men and women meet at a café, get into pairs, and chat for three minutes; when a bell rings, you move round to the next person and chat for another three minutes; after three more minutes you move round again, and so on. At the end of the evening, you make a list of the people that you got on with the best and found the ___ (attractive) – or the least unattractive! Then you give your list to the organisers, and if the people on it feel the same way about you, the organisers give you each other’s contact details. It may not be ___ (romantic) as a traditional date, but for many, it’s the ___ (easy) and ___ (sensible) choice.


  1.  Think about the way your ideal man / woman looks like. Read the examples of the descriptions.


Who is your ideal man?

     My ideal man is incredibly good-looking.  He’s in his 20s, with medium-length brown hair and brown eyes, and he is clean-shaven. He weighs about 110 pounds, and he looks very strong. His features are slightly rugged, as if he spends a lot of time outdoors. He’s about 6 feet tall and he dresses casually, usually in colours that match his hair and eyes.

Who is your ideal woman?

    My ideal woman is probably Marilyn Monroe. She was extremely beautiful and with curly blond hair and bright red lips, she had the classic Hollywood look. In her films, she often played woman who were not very smart, but she was actually a very funny and intelligent actress. Her films, such as “Some Like it Hot” and “The Seven Year Itch”, are still popular today.


  1. Read and explain the meanings of the following words.


shy, confident, generous, selfish, hard-working, lazy, quiet, noisy


  1.  What kind of person are you?
  2. Read the questionnaire. Work with a partner and tick the boxes according to your partner’s answers.


What kind of person are you?


Do you like these things?     I like it.   I don’t mind it.   I don’t like it.

  1. going to parties         ____              _____               ______
  2. shopping                   _____              _____            ______
  3. writing emails           _____              _____             _____
  4. dancing                     _____              _____            ______
  5. getting up late            ____                _____             ______
  6. meeting new people   ____                 ____             _____
  7. travelling                         _____        _____             ______
  8. eating new kinds of food    _____         _____               ______
  9. talking on the phone           _____          _____              ______
  10. working with other people  _____         _____                 _____              


Calculate your score.

Score: 0 - for every “I don’t like it”

            1 - for every “I don’t mind it”

            2 - for every “I like it”


  1. Guess and complete the results with the words from exercise 5.

0-10:   You’re quite ___ and you like a ___ life. You prefer being alone or with a very good friend. You don’t like talking to people and you hate ___ people. You love doing things slowly and carefully.

11-20:    You like talking to people, but you don’t mind being alone. You like meeting people and going to parties, but you often leave early. You’re ___. You can do things easily and you work fast, so you prefer working alone. You can sometimes be a bit ___.

21-30:    You love talking and having a good time. You look ___ but you hate being alone. You’re usually ___. You don’t like working at a desk and you’re sometimes a bit ___. You do things quickly and you don’t always finish jobs completely.


Lesson 7

  1. Match the adjectives with their definitions. Use them to describe people you know well, as in the example.

Example: Tom is very honest. He never tells lies.

  • honest
  • jealous
  • talkative
  • shy
  • mean
  • loyal
  • imaginative
  • sociable
  • never stop talking
  • not say a lot
  • feel angry about not having what others have
  • talk to everybody
  • never betray friends
  • able to think of new ideas
  • never tell lies
  • hate spending money


  1. Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering the questions.
  2. Do you have a close friend?
  3. Who is your best friend and why? How long have you known each other?
  4. What do you have in common?
  5. How do you know that you can rely on him/her?
  6. What makes for a good friendship?
  7. Do you make friends easily?
  8. Why do some children have so many friends?
  9. What should friends always do?
  10. What should friends never do?
  11. Do real friends share secrets?
  12. Do you keep your friend’s secrets?
  13. Do you help your friends with their school homework?
  14. Do your parents have close friends?
  15. Is there a boy/girl in your group who hasn’t got a friend?
  16. Is there a boy/girl in your group who’s got a lot of friends?
  17. If you have a brother or a sister, do you get on well with his/her friends?


  1. Give a complete profile of yourself.
  2. Introduce yourself (name, surname, age).
  3. Say something about your family, pets, hobbies, interests, likes and dislikes.
  4. Describe yourself (your appearance: hair, eyes, build, what you usually wear)
  5. Describe you character, giving examples to prove it. (Are you reliable, honest, lazy, boring, bossy, hard-working, sporty, ambitious, etc?)
  6. Say something about your friends
  7. Say something about your school, favourite subjects and teachers
  8. Say what you would like to be when you grow up
  9. Say something else that you think is important to know about you


  1. Discuss the questions in groups.
  2. What is the most beautiful thing about people?
  3. What qualities are very important for those who want:
    • to become successful in their lives?
    • to become skilful at some job?
    • to get along with others easily?
    • to be respected by people?


Make a list of the most interesting ideas and some of the best arguments in support of these ideas which were expressed in your discussion. 


  1. Read a list of 25 interesting relationship facts aimed at enhancing your insight on how this big love mystery works. Interesting facts about love and friendship:
  1. Researchers at the University of Chicago found that people were twice as likely to find a date through friends and family than through the bar scene.

2. Nearly 40% of men do not feel confident meeting a woman for the first time.

3. Studies show that schools, colleges, coffee shops, and malls are all excellent places to flirt    because people are more open to meeting others in these places. Poor locations are restaurants and movie theaters.

4. Studies show that before a man even speaks a word, the way he stands (whether he is slouching or not) counts for over 80% of woman’s first impression.

5. Over 50% of all singles in America have not had a date in more than two years.

6. A woman can increase the likelihood of a man approaching her if she uncrosses her arms, makes subtle eye contact, and smiles.

7. Research shows that men know they’re falling in love after just three dates, but women don’t fall in love until date 14.

8. Dating specialists suggest that if a woman doesn’t return a call after two messages, she is not interested.

9. Studies show that men are put off by groups of loud women. If a woman wants to get a date, she should break away from a loud group to give a man a chance to approach her.

10. If a woman offers to pay for everything, chances are she isn’t that into the date. There’s an unspoken understanding that a man paying for everything is a form of “copulatory gift,” which is almost universal in all animal species.

11. In 1997, the United Nations named Winnie - the Pooh, the famous cartoon character as the world's Ambassador of Friendship.

12. In 1935, the United States Congress announced the first Sunday of August as the National Friendship Day and declared it to be a holiday in honor of friends.

13 The idea of a World Friendship Day was first proposed on 20 July 1958 by Dr. Artemio Bracho during a dinner with friends in Puerto Pinasco, a town on the River Paraguay about 200 miles north of Asuncion, Paraguay.

14. On 27 April 2011 the General Assembly of the United Nation declared 30th July as official International Friendship Day.                                                                       

15. The day has been celebrated in several southern South American countries for many years, particularly in Paraguay, where the 30th July was first proposed as World Friendship Day in 1958.

16. Traditionally, the Day takes place on the first Sunday of August. But there is no specific date for friendship day celebration in some countries.


Lesson 8


  1. Guess all the words correctly.
  2. He is the father of your father.
  3. She is the sister of your father.
  4. She is the mother of your sister.
  5. She is the daughter of your mother.
  6. He is the brother of your mother.


  1. Write some true endings for these sentences.
  2. My family is ________
  3. I get on really well with my _______
  4. The funniest person in my family is ________


3     Read the following article.


Three generations under the same roof

I have a big family. We all live with our grandparents in a three-bedroom house. However, this is not so easy. Many conflicts occur within our family for the simple reason that three generations live under the same roof. Unfortunately, this situation is typical of Poland where many families have to live together because of the shortage of flats.

Both my parents work. My mother is a psychologist and she does not like housework very much. My father is an engineer and he spends most of his time at work. For many years my grandparents have cared for our family. Both my sisters got used to it a long time ago. Whenever they have problems, they go to our grandmother and they know that they can always count on her help.

My parents and grandparents quarrel very often. There are problems which cannot be solved easily. My mother, for example, does not want to obey the rules laid down by our grandmother. She has her own ideas about raising children or housekeeping. Unfortunately, our mother does not have too much time for because she works a lot. My grandmother, on the other hand, is a very strong-minded and Bossy woman. She thinks that she has the right to decide about everything in her own house. My mother objects to it and they often argue about such things as sharing the kitchen, helping around the house or spending money.

Similar problems exist in many families I know. Young people are not willing to obey blindly what is told to them. They would like to be treated as partners but at the same time they would like to rely on the elders for help and advice.



4.              For questions I -10, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).


0 A nobody           B somebody          C one               D they

1 A includes         B   consists                        C has          D contains

2 A need          B   ask                   C  wish                        D request

3 A on             B in            C at                       D out

4 A listen         B look       C watch                 D see

5 A so             B   no        C not                     D what

6 A reaching        B   going C coming               D making

7 A think           B   imagine    C           wonder                  D understand

8 A having       B  growing C bringing              D rising

9 A look          B   watch   C glimpse              D stare

10A however     B    in spite C                despite                  D although




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Lesson 9

1. Matching

1) Old fiends and old wine are the best.                                           

2) Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.      

3) Live and learn.

4) A friend in need is a friend indeed.

5) Do what’s true – and say it, too!                                                

6) A penny saved is a penny earned.

- Старый друг – лучше новых двух.

- Не откладывай на завтра то, что можешь сделать сегодня.

- Век живи – век учись.

- Друзья познаются в беде.

 - Правдивым быть и в мыслях и в поступках.

- Копейка рубль бережёт.


  1. Some advice for you to be a good friend.

Honesty is the best policy.

Give more than you take.
Be supportive.
Keep the faith.
Express yourself clearly.
Have fun.


  1. Read the statement about friendship.
  • A true friend is the one who picks you up when you fall
  • A true friend is one that won't lie
  • A true friend is there when you call
  • A true friend is there when you want to die
  • A true friend knows just what to say
  • A true friend won't care what other people think
  • A true friend will help you find your way
  • A true friend will make sure you don't sink
  • A true friend will help you choose your path
  • A true friend will know when something is wrong
  • A true friend has to sometimes face your wrath
  • A true friend makes you feel like you belong  a true friend




  1. Quiz

The Ideal Boyfriend Test.

  1. How much time do you spend on your appearance every day?

A less than 5 minutes

B 30 minutes maximum

C more than an hour


  1. If you split up with a girl, would you do it:

A on the phone

B by text message

C face to face


  1. It’s your girlfriend’s birthday. What do you do?

A throw a surprise party and buy her a birthday cake

B Go out for a romantic meal and then go dancing with her

C Go out with your friends. She should celebrate her birthday with her family


  1. If you were married, which household chores would you do?

A just the shopping

B the shopping, the cooking and light housework like dusting and washing up

C 50 % of everything including the washing, the ironing and the vacuuming


  1. Your girlfriend asks you to go shopping with her. Do you…

      A agree enthusiastically-you love shopping, too

      B agree but insist on going to different shops from her

      C refuse -you want to play computer games with your mates


  1. You go to the cinema and there is a choice of three films. She prefers the romantic film. Which film do you go to see?

A an action film

B a romantic film

C a French comedy


Answer Key

1. A: 0   B:5     C:10

2. A:5    B:0     C:10

3. A:5    B;10   C:0

4. A:0    B:5     C:10

5. A:10  B:5     C:0

6. A:0    B:10   C:5

Fewer than 20 points

You are a hopeless case. You just don’t want to grow up and become an adult. You are never going to find a girlfriend unless she is really desperate. Change your ways or you will never know it’s like to have a real relationship.

20-40 points

You are not really hopeless, but you are immature and selfish and if you want to get on well with girls, you are going to have to change a lot of things and think about what makes them happy and how they have fun.

More than 40 points

If you were telling the truth when you answered the questions, then you are close to being an ideal boyfriend. If you have not got a girlfriend now, then why not? There must be hundreds of girls who would just love to go out with you.


  1. Read the article.


    I sometimes think that poor Cathy has spent all her life competing with me. She was a very quiet and shy child, while I was very talkative – I was awful! I wasn’t interested in studying, all I wanted to do was going to parties, and Cathy used to tell my parents. So, I was horrible to her – I used to bite her.

      I was very jealous of Cathy also because she was more attractive than me. But she always defended me when other people criticized me, and sometimes it seemed as if she was the older sister and I was the younger one. Although we were complete opposites, we were also very close and had a lot of fun together. We still do.

    I think I suffered because my father had left us when we were small, but Cathy helped me to understand that Dad loved us, but in a different way. She also taught me that I couldn’t blame other people for my problems, I had to look at myself.


  1. Write out short characteristics of both sisters.

Cathy was …….

The author was……….



Lesson 10


  1. Why Learning How to Write?

    To become good in writing we have to keep in mind the following ideas:

  • Writing is a PROCESSS. It is actually a process, which includes getting, planning and organising ideas, writing a first draft, revising redrafting, improving and, finally, getting the material ready for the readers.
  • Writing is a SKILL. We can all learn how to write well. Of course, it takes time and practice.

Before putting pen to paper you will also have to think of the important elements:

  1. AUDIENCE – who am I writing for?
  2. PURPOSE – what is the function of this piece of writing?
  3. FORM, which very much depends on the first two elements.



  1. Write a next to the phrases for beginning a letter and b next to the phrases for signaling the end of a letter.

Phrases for informal letters:

  1. Sorry I haven’t written for ages.
  2. That’s all my news for now.
  3. It was great to hear from you.
  4. Must dash – Mum’s calling me for dinner.
  5. I’d better finish here as I’m running out of space.
  6. Thanks for your letter.
  7. I’d better stop here. It’s getting late.
  8. That’s all for now. I’d better go now.
  9. How are you? 






  1. Read the letter quickly.


Dear Rob


   How are you? What I have you been up to? Sorry I haven’t written to you for ages, but I’ve been really busy recently with end-of-term exams. You know what it’s like! I’ve also been rehearsing for the Christmas show, which starts next week.

   Guess what! I’m in hospital! Don’t panic, I’m not seriously ill. I fell over when I was playing tennis and broke my arm. Anyway, I’m only in for a day or two. Luckily my injury won’t stop me singing in the show.

    The family are all fine. Mum’s been working really hard. She doesn’t get home till late. Dad’s bought a new car – well, I say “new”, but actually it’s about ten years old. Chris has got a new computer and spends most of the time playing computer games.


That’s all for now.  I’d better go.

Loads of love



  1. Complete the information about a friend you haven’t seen for ages (lost touch with).


Full name: ________________________________________

Age now: _________________________________________

School: ___________________________________________

Year last seen: _____________________________________

Place last seen: _____________________________________

What do you miss about him / her? _____________________

What will you talk about if you meet again? ______________




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